Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 26 - January 19, 2011 -- Oh, Crap!

Twelve crappy things:
  1. Last night I got home late from work and had to go to a Board of Trustees meeting for my townhouse complex. I'm on the Board, and it was important missing it.
  2. By the time I got home at 9:00 p.m. I was starving, so I ordered Chinese food. I think I let out an actual moan when I put a piece of General Tso's chicken in my mouth. (This is a multi-layered "crap" b/c I spent money at a restaurant, I ate GT's chicken (fattening), and I ate it at 9:30 p.m. (Not good.)) I don't think I'll even try to rationalize this as a necessity. If I was going to cave, at least it was for something really delicious!
  3. The charge at NLU for $3385.00 has wrecked havoc on my checking account because the credit did not go through until today and payments to my bills did. Overdraft, overdraft, overdraft. Luckily, my bank -- Chase -- was all over it because I alerted them. They kept the charges and overdrafts as "pending" so nothing actually posted. Despite this, I have been on edge since I kept watching 'overdraft' stamp itself all over my account.
  4. The salad Liz brought me is all gone. I haven't had time to go to the grocery store to pick up necessary salad fixings.
  5. I am worried about my son Ellis' survival in this terrible economy.
  6. I'm worried about my survival in this terrible economy because I didn't get the job at Glenview Public Library. They hired a woman with 5 years reference experience, which is interesting because I technically have 15 years of reference experience. Maybe she doesn't have a job and really, really, really (3x) needed one. I have a job and only really needed the job (1x).
  7. I'm sick and tired of the ice because I'm paranoid I'm going to fall (I think I'm too young to worry about this!)
  8. I completely ran out of Touch Base eye stuff, and I want it to keep my eye shadow on for the entire day and night since my days start at 5:30 a.m. and end at 9:00 p.m.
  9. I have completely run out of the spray hair conditioner I use before I blow dry my hair. This is something I can wait for because it's only 4 more days till the end of my challenge.
  10. I was up until 3:00 a.m. last night and my alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. I managed to squeak it out until 6:00 a.m.. Numerous students commented on my "new" hairstyle. I call it flat and limp.
  11. I ran out of Diet Coke today. I'm not sure I can wait four days....
  12. Oh, and last night I was desperately seeking chocolate and the only place I could find it was on a FiberOne bar. Like I said....oh, crap.
Only 4 more days....


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