Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 17 - January 10, 2011 The Slippery Soap

Two days since I last wrote. No stores, no spending. I realized today that I haven't been in a grocery store since New Year's Eve. That's 10 days without buying food of any kind. A couple of days ago I ran out of the cream for my coffee that I found in the back of my refrigerator, so I'm using milk in my coffee. Let me just say this: Yuck. Not the same thing. And now my supply of coffee is quickly depleting, but I'll just switch to green tea when I'm out. I've run out of bread, and I'm quickly running out of fruit, especially since I used the rotten bananas I had to make banana/chocolate chip/pecan bread. Salad fixings do not exist. A quick inventory of what's still in the house that I can put together into something edible: 2 cans of tuna, 4 veggie burgers, 4 fillets of tilapia, 6 fillets of salmon, lots of bags of frozen veggies. Can a girl live on fish and veggie burgers alone? I know many vegetarians who would be really happy with that fare. What's getting out of balance is that I have dips and chips left over from NYE because I don't normally eat that stuff. I have a feeling that as I eat up the good stuff, the bad-for-you stuff will remain. Probably the most disturbing thing in the refrigerator inventory: I have 4 cans of Diet Coke left. (I'm breaking out in a sweat as I write this.) How am I going to make that last?

The hardest thing about having food that you have to cook is that...well, you have to cook it. It takes time and preparation. Time is not on my side anymore because my graduate classes started tonight. Now that I'm back in school during the day and in grad school at night, this is where I'm likely to falter. Sometimes I'm just too damned tired to cook or prepare anything. It's so much easier to go to the Jimmy John's on the way to my night class and pick up a sandwich. I have to be strong, though. No restaurant food.

I've got 13 days to go to finish the challenge. I foresee my meals getting weirder and weirder as the food disappears out of my frig. My hair conditioner has about 3 more sprays left in it, and then I can expect my hair to look like I've been in a wind tunnel. Between that and no coffee, I'm going to start frightening people because I'm going to appear a little scary.

This morning I noticed that the bar of soap I have in the shower is a tiny little sliver, barely able to suds up anymore. I think I've had this bar of soap for six months. Does anyone really know how long a bar of soap lasts? It's sort the same question as how long does a Tootsie Pop last, except no one would be willing to bit into a bar of soap! After all these months, my bar of soap looks like the onion paper that people used to type or write on decades ago. It's so small and slippery that I accidentally dropped it and had to make a mad dash to get it before it went down the drain. My friends, colleagues and students are hoping that little wisp of soap is going to last me till the end of this challenge -- and not go down the drain -- because there's no telling what will happen if I don't have soap to bathe with. Not that I stink or anything....water is cleansing isn't it? So I better make sure I don't drop that soap again, and if I do I'll have to make sure I remember to use deodorant. Or I'll have to call soap a necessity....for everyone else's sake!

Still smelling like a rose,

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