Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 19 - January 12, 2011 -- It REALLY Sucks!

The dog and cat hair in my house has reached epic proportions. There are tufts of fur that should be paying me rent because they are residing on my stairs, under furniture, and all over my couch -- because, of course, that is where my dog sleeps. It's disgusting, and I finally gave in and decided to vacuum. The vacuum bags became a necessity and I had to go into the hardware store to buy them. Old habits die hard, though....the first thing I saw was something that I've been wanting to buy for quite awhile -- a Dustbuster hand held vacuum. I know...the woman who hates to vacuum wants a Dust Buster? You 'betcha, as a certain Alaskan woman would say. A Dust Buster can get a small job done without me having to get out my canister vacuum. If I had a Dust Buster I could just suck up those fur balls quickly and easily. Because I haven't seen one in a store in recent years, I had to restrain myself from buying that Dust Buster. I added it to my mental list of things to buy on January 24th...the day after my 30 day challenge, though.

Canister vacuums are a pain in the ass. They ram into the furniture, suck up the edges of rugs, and make a lot of noise that makes my dog follow me around the house barking manically. My vacuum requires switching the carpet attachment with the upholstery attachment, and then I have to put the top-of-the-ceiling attachment on to get the cobwebs. Vacuuming always reminds me just how gross my house gets.

I should note that my hatred for vacuuming has been a life-long thing. When I was a kid, on Saturdays I was supposed to vacuum my bedroom but I would actually turn the vacuum on and just let it run without touching it. While it was running I would take my hair brush and brush my rug to make it look like I vacuumed! It would take me 3 times longer to brush my carpet than it would've if I had just vacuumed. Surprisingly, my mom always seemed satisfied with how clean my carpet looked. Go figure.

The truth of the matter is that I have a cleaning lady twice a month, so I don't vacuum very often. I'm not sure if I have a cleaning lady because I hate to vacuum or if I hate to vacuum because I have a cleaning lady. In the debate of necessity vs. luxury, I would normally put a cleaning lady in the luxury column. Given that I'm currently getting a masters in teaching by taking classes at night, doing homework every night, working a full-time job, writing lesson plans when I'm not doing homework, and occasionally working a second job, cleaning my house doesn't happen. I don't have the time, and since I don't want to live in a dirty house, I need to have a cleaning lady. This need won't always be there; I will eventually graduate (this June), and I hopefully will get to a point when I don't have to work two jobs (when I retire at 75). Until then, my cleaning lady is a God-send. I worship the ground she walks on, and I will be hard-pressed to let her go. My favorite day comes every 2-3 weeks, always on Thursday. I come home from my night class at 9:00 p.m., walk through the door, and bask in the cleanliness of my sweet little home. Definitely a necessity. Say what you want. :)

The other thing that sucks is that one of my best friends told me that she has cancer. My heart aches for her, and I will be worried about her until she gets a clean bill of health. My friendship with her is an absolutely necessity in my life, and I wish I could take her cancer away from her. We are blessed to have friends over the years who grow with us, help us, laugh with us, entertain us, and remind us to keep perspective on all the weird twists in life. My friend has been all these things to me, and it will be my honor to be these things to her. God-speed, my friend. I'm here for you night and day.

Fur-free but worried and praying for my friend,

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